Learn the 10 secrets and tricks we have seen used by monetization partners

When you have significant ad revenue running through an opaque system like programmatic advertising, the temptation can be all too much for some to take more than their fair share. Download our PDF to make sure you're not victim to these tricks!

An image of a book with words on it that read "10 secrets monetization partners don't want you to know"

Download our FREE eBook and learn what your monetization partners don't want you to know!

As the publishing market continues to mature and more websites are looking to ensure they are fully maximizing their revenue potential, more and more publishers are moving away from their own ad setups to work with monetization partners.

As the programmatic advertising ecosystem grows, keeping up with all of these changes whilst trying to develop and maintain an audience is an impossible task.
Working with partners that specialize in this can lead to significant revenue increases for customers.

There are some big development teams behind many of the leading Google Certified Publishing Partners in the market today. As these systems become more sophisticated and competition increases between partners, this can only lead to a positive outcome for publishers over the coming year.

Image of the inside of a the "10 Secrets" book

Be aware and anticipate

Below are some of the points and questions raised in some of the tricks and secrets we discovered.

Blow Out Your Page’s
Time to Live

  • Using time out to improve revenue
  • How is it used against the publisher?
  • What can you do about it?

Keep Focused
on CPMs

  • When CPMs go down but revenue up
  • The golden metric to use over CPM
  • What should you look out for?

When Header Bidding Can't Beat AdSense

  • The CTR rule
  • AdSense's optimizations for CTR
  • What should you do?

Watch a video about the first secret!

What is a time out rate? Learn about using time out rates to improve page performance and revenue, how is it used against the publisher, and what can you do about it.


Ben Morrisroe


Ben Morrisroe has ample experience in the publisher development landscape. Working with over 250 clients, he’s an expert at understanding a publishers needs, no matter the industry. Ben’s in-depth knowledge on website monetization comes from his hands-on experience and daily interaction with publishers globally.

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