Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Brock Munro
January 28, 2021
June 28, 2024
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

At Publift, we’re passionate about raising awareness in the community for great causes. As an expression of support to those who have battled and continue to battle with cancer, each year, the Cancer Council Australia encourages local companies to host ‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea’.

With 1 in 2 Australian’s being diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, it is something that touches each person’s life in some way. Continued research into a cure and treatment of the disease is the main reason why Publift participates in hosting a morning tea each year, with proceeds going directly to the Cancer Council Australia.

With the cause at the top of mind, the Publift Sydney team and our office mates Conversant Media spent the morning of May 24th eating baked (and bought) goods, drinking tea and coffee, and celebrating the health that we are so lucky to have. As such a close-knit team, we take these opportunities to further build our relationships as colleagues and friends, maintaining a fantastic work-life balance.

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

We encourage every workplace, big or small, to participate in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, a fantastic opportunity to bond as a team to support a fantastic cause.

More info at

Lamingtons at Publift's Australia's Biggest Morning Tea charity event

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