Ultimate Core Web Vitals Guide for Publishers | LCP, CLS & FID Explained

Naomi Khor
August 29, 2023
June 27, 2024

You're watching AdThoughts, a video series where we interview industry experts on all things ad tech. In today's episode, we chat with James Nielsen, Publift's Head of Onboarding, about Core Web Vitals (CWV), why it's important for publishers, and what they can do to optimize their CWV health.

The Core Web Vitals are the 3 Google metrics used to evaluate the performance of your website. It is used to measure the quality of user experience in the real world around loading performance, interactivity and visual stability of a page. These metrics are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

Ever since Google implemented these new metrics in mid 2021, CWVs have become an increasingly important for publishers because it is a ranking factor for websites. This means publishers will need to deliver consistent web experience across a multitude of devices to drive better user engagement.

Read more about Core Web Vitals here.

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