Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Who Pays Better in 2024?

Brock Munro
October 31, 2023
July 2, 2024
Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Who Pays Better in 2024?

Ad networks have become central to many digital publishers’ monetization strategies over the last decade. Among the many available platforms, Ezoic, Mediavine, and Publift have risen to prominence, each offering a unique blend of features tailored to maximize publishers' earnings.

This article dives into a comparative analysis of these three platforms, exploring their services, revenue-sharing models, traffic requirements, payment terms, and other key aspects to provide you with a well-rounded view.

At the end, you'll have a clearer perspective on how these platforms stack up against each other, helping you to reach an informed decision on which best meets your needs.

Table of contents:

Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Full Overview

What Is Ezoic?

What Is Mediavine?

What Is Publift?

Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Comparing User Experience

Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Who Pays Better? 

Final Thoughts

Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Full Overview

Specification Ezoic Mediavine Publift
Network’s Revenue Share 10% 25% 20%
CPM Earnings It varies based on region It varies based on region It varies based on region
Traffic Requirements No requirements 50,000 sessions/month $2,000 monthly revenue
Payment Terms Ezoic Mediavine Publift
Payment Methods Bank transfer, Payoneer, PayPal, and check PayPal, Domestic ACH, International ACH, US wire transfer, International wire transfer, check Bank transfer in the currency of choice
Payment Schedule Every 30, 60 and 90 days Every 65 days Every 30 days
Minimum Payment Threshold $20 $25 $100
 A banner that reads: Looking for the right ad network? Try Publift. Click to book a demo.

What Is Ezoic?

What Is Ezoic

Ezoic is a technology company that empowers publishers to grow their websites. With its 

machine learning, Ezoic helps publishers automate the optimization of ads and layouts.

It provides a platform that learns from users' behavior to show more relevant ads, which in turn leads to higher earnings for publishers. It uses machine learning to automate ad and layout optimization and provides detailed insights into site performance with its big data analytics tool.


  • Ad Tester: Automatically tests ad sizes, locations, and types.
  • Layout Tester: Optimizes website layouts to enhance user experience.
  • Content Insights: Analyzes content performance to inform better decision-making.


  • Increases ad revenue through automated optimization on your ad platform.
  • Provides actionable insights on content and user engagement.
  • Supports a variety of ad types and formats.


  • It requires a learning curve to understand and utilize the platform fully.
  • Some publishers may find the automated optimizations too controlling.

Ezoic Pricing and Payment Scheme

The platform offers Net-30, 60 or 90 payment systems with a minimum withdrawal amount of $20, which you can receive using PayPal, a check, or a direct bank transfer. The Net 60 and 90 systems come with 1.5% and 2.25% bonuses respectively.

For newcomers, Ezoic offers a free 30-day trial. After that, you must enroll in the Standard plan, which charges Ezoic a 10% cut in advertising earnings. The company's Premium package is only accessible to Level 2 or higher existing customers.

Final Verdict

Ezoic is a robust platform for publishers looking to take the guesswork out of ad optimization and gain better control over their website’s performance and revenue generation.

With a lower threshold for traffic requirements compared to other platforms, it presents an opportunity for smaller websites to start monetizing their traffic earlier. Overall, Ezoic presents a balanced blend of monetization, user experience enhancement, and supportive resources, making it a compelling choice for publishers keen on nurturing their ad revenue growth sustainably.

What Is Mediavine?

What Is Mediavine

Mediavine is a full-service ad management partner, taking on optimization tasks so publishers can focus on content creation. Founded by content creators, the platform is designed to provide an optimal user experience for readers while maximizing earnings for publishers. It does so by combining a proprietary ad management technology with a programmatic advertising optimization tool

Mediavine reaches more than 125 million unique visitors monthly. It offers support around the clock, ensuring publishers have the assistance they need whenever they need it. Mediavine's commitment to quality and brand safety ensures that campaigns run optimally, benefiting both publishers and advertisers alike​.


  • Exclusive ad management.
  • Support for a variety of niches, from finance to fitness.
  • Reach of over 125 million unique monthly visitors.


  • A dedicated support team is available around the clock.
  • Commitment to traffic quality and brand safety.
  • Transparent earnings and performance metrics.


  • It requires a significant amount of traffic to join.
  • Exclusivity may limit publishers’ control over ad setup and choices.

Mediavine Pricing and Payment Scheme

Mediavine employs a NET 65 payment model. That is, 65 days from the end of the month in which the money was received. The fifth of every month is when payments are made. Payments will be made on the next available business day if the fifth occurs on a weekend.

Final Verdict

Mediavine is an excellent choice for content creators looking for a hands-off ad management solution with a commitment to quality and transparency. The requirement of 50,000 monthly sessions ensures that the network maintains a high-quality standard, which in turn attracts premium advertisers. Mediavine's emphasis on optimizing ad performance while maintaining a good user experience is a balanced approach that many publishers appreciate.

What Is Publift?

What Is Publift

Publift is an ad optimization partner specializing in header bidding, brand safety, private marketplaces (PMPs), automated reporting, and layout optimization. It offers full ad stack management to publishers and strives to maximize their earnings with their global team in Australia, Ireland, the Philippines and Singapore. 

Publift’s Fuse platform is built with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for publishers to navigate and make the most of the features provided. The platform employs smart algorithms to manage and optimize ad placements, ensuring that publishers get the best possible revenue for every impression while maintaining a pleasant user experience for their audience.



  • Robust ad optimization and layout testing.
  • Reporting automation for streamlined analytics.
  • Google Certified Publishing Partner, ensuring quality and trustworthiness.
  • Core Web Vitals analysis


  • Higher traffic requirements mean it’s not suitable for smaller publishers

Publift Pricing and Payment Scheme

Publift uses a Net-30 payment plan with a $100 minimum threshold and a set revenue share of 20%. Direct bank transfers are available in the currency of your choosing.

Final Verdict

Publift offers a comprehensive monetization solution for publishers seeking to elevate their revenue and optimize ad operations. The simplified payment process, with direct bank transfers and a user-friendly ad revenue calculator, adds to the ease of managing earnings. 

Additionally, Publift's personalized service and support provide a tailored experience for publishers. This is a solid choice for publishers aiming to significantly uplift their advertising earnings through a strategic and supportive platform.

Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Comparing User Experience

Comparing Approval Requirements


  • Account setup and approval can be completed in less than 24-48 hours after creating an account​.
  • A minimum of 10,000 site visits per month is necessary for monetization and ad serving through the Ezoic​ platform.
  • For sites with less than 10,000 monthly pageviews, signing up through the Access Now program is required, which entails an educational course​.
  • The primary requirements include quality content, high traffic, mobile-friendliness and site speed.


  • A minimum of 50,000 sessions per month is required​.
  • The traffic must be genuine, and paid traffic is not accepted​.
  • Applicants must have original, quality content on their site and be in good standing with Google AdSense and Google AdExchange​.
  • Prefers traffic from the US, Canada, and the UK.


  • Consideration factors include monthly revenue, site pageviews, the genuineness and consistency of traffic, and the type of content on the site​.
  • Publishers must earn at least $2,000 in advertising income each month.
  • The company works with more than 350 publishers and app developers globally, indicating a diverse range of approval criteria that might cater to different kinds of web properties​.

The networks’ differing approval requirements highlight the level of exclusivity and the type of publishers they are targeting. Ezoic is the most accessible for smaller sites with a minimum requirement of 10,000 site visits per month, followed by Publift which requires a monthly ad revenue of $2,000. 

Mediavine, on the other hand, targets more established sites with a minimum of 50,000 sessions per month, making it a choice for higher-traffic sites. Each platform has its own set of criteria ensuring quality and compliance, catering to different publisher needs based on their site's performance and content.

Comparing Ad Optimization Opportunities


Ezoic provides a variety of ad optimization features:

  • Optimizes ad units, formats, and layouts using machine learning algorithms could potentially increase ad revenue​.
  • Automated testing to find better ad combinations and improve ad income through the Ad Tester App.
  • Layout testing for both page layouts and automated ad placements to improve usability and ad revenue.
  • Tests ad positions, sizes, and locations without altering the content can improve user experience metrics and increase ad revenue​.
  • AI-based ad technology for optimizing too many ads without manual testing, ad-block monetization, and price automation. 


Mediavine focuses on enhancing user experience alongside ad optimization:

  • Employs “lazy loading” technology to ensure ads don’t slow down the content delivery network (CDN) while providing a video player for easy showcasing and monetization of videos.
  • Optimizes ad placements to enhance user engagement and experience, ensuring non-intrusiveness and relevance​.
  • Manages the ad server, optimizing ad placements, and working directly with advertisers to help publishers earn more.
  • Adjusts in-content ads based on Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) standards to maintain a good user experience.


Publift has a more hands-on approach to ad layout optimization:

  • Hand designs the most profitable ad layout experience for each site through extensive testing while preserving user experience​.
  • Offers features like ad placement and layout optimization, automatic pricing optimization, and ad blocker monetization​.
  • Providing custom ad solutions, using machine learning to optimize ad revenue, and ensuring transparency through detailed reporting and analytics

The three platforms have their own unique strengths in ad optimization. While Ezoic leans heavily on AI and machine learning for automated optimization, Mediavine emphasizes user experience, and Publift offers a more hands-on approach with custom ad settings, solutions and extensive testing.

Comparing Analytics Tools


Ezoic's analytics tool is known as Big Data Analytics. It provides publishers with various metrics and insights to better understand how different elements on their website are impacting their revenue. Here are some key features of Ezoic's Big Data Analytics tool:

  • Real-time revenue reporting.
  • Revenue analysis by author, category, topic, and more
  • Audience insights to understand which types of visitors are most engaged and produce the most ad revenue.
  • SEO impact analysis to see how SEO activities are affecting revenue.
  • Transparent ad reporting to understand revenue changes by ad size, partner, and more.
  • Analyzing author performance to see which writers produce the highest-earning content​.


Mediavine provides a user-friendly dashboard and integrates with Google Analytics to offer a comprehensive view of ad performance and other key metrics. Here are some features of Mediavine's analytics tools:

  • Real-time snapshot of key metrics like revenue, impressions, clicks, and eCPM.
  • Integration with Google Analytics for deeper insights.
  • Tools to better understand blog traffic and advertising income, helping publishers learn more about their audience and measure ad performance​.


Publift offers a dashboard and a blended Page Performance Report, integrating data from both Publift and Google Analytics to provide a holistic view of a website's performance. Here are the features of Publift's analytics tools:

  • Real-time data on site performance includes metrics like revenue, impressions, clicks, eCPM, fill rate, and more.
  • The Page Performance Report blends performance data from Publift with website data from Google Analytics to give a comprehensive view of website performance​.

In summary, while all three represent some of the highest paying CPM ad networks, Ezoic's Big Data Analytics appears to offer a more extensive range of features for analyzing various aspects affecting revenue. 

Mediavine and Publift also provide valuable analytics tools, with Mediavine offering integration with Google Analytics and Publift providing a blended Page Performance Report to better understand website performance.

Ezoic vs. Mediavine vs. Publift: Who Pays Better? 

Earnings between Ezoic, Mediavine, and Publift can vary based on a multitude of factors, such as traffic, ad placements, and optimization strategies employed by the publishers.


Ezoic is known to be more flexible with traffic requirements compared to Mediavine, which requires at least 50,000 monthly sessions, which could produce slightly higher earnings.


Mediavine requires at least 50,000 monthly sessions, which could lead to higher earnings for websites with higher traffic​. The exact comparison will depend on other factors such as ad optimization and website content​.


Publift aims to connect publishers with high-paying advertisers, boasting an average increase of 55% in ad revenue for its clients. The platform emphasizes enhancing revenue for the display ad network on a publisher's website. Earnings can fluctuate based on the niche and region, with different ads having varying payouts. As a result, the type of content and the target audience impact publisher ad revenues.

Final Thoughts

In the world of digital advertising, selecting the best ad networks and platforms can significantly affect a publisher's revenue. This comprehensive analysis of Ezoic, Mediavine, and Publift aims to shed some light on their offerings and how they stack up against each other.

  • Ezoic offers a range of benefits, including flexibility in terms of traffic requirements, making it a suitable choice for growing publishers.
  • Mediavine could be an attractive option for publishers with substantial traffic.
  • Publift, on the other hand, stands out by strategically connecting publishers with the highest paying advertisers, facilitating an average ad revenue increase of 55% for its clients.
An image of a publisher testimonial. The review reads: 62% uplift in ad revenue. I have no problem at all recommending Publift. We switched from our previous ad provider and saw an average 62% daily increase in ad RPM. It was easy working with the implementation team - they were quick and open to our changes and suggestions, and along with their changes, the move was a success.

While all three platforms have their merits, Publift's dedication to elevating ad revenue through tailored strategies and superior advertiser connections makes it a compelling choice, especially for those looking to significantly uplift their advertising earnings.

With Publift, you not only get access to an advertising network of high-paying advertisers but also benefit from a platform designed to continually enhance your ad revenue. Take the first step towards better monetization by exploring what Publift can offer to elevate your advertising game. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we’ve been helping more than 350 publishers across 60 countries increase their revenue since 2015.

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Grow your business with a sustainable, long term partnership. If you're making more than $2,000 in monthly ad revenue, contact us today to boost your revenue with our all-in-one solution.
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