Publift Requirements: How to Get Approved 2024

Brock Munro
June 30, 2022
June 27, 2024
Publift Requirements: How to Get Approved 2024

Looking to partner with Publift? Want to learn what we look for in a website before partnering with them? Well, keep reading to see if we are a good fit!

We want to help true publishers and content creators grow their businesses and provide more value for their audiences. A flourishing publishing ecosystem helps bring free information and content to the world. The open internet is vital to society today and great publishers providing great content and useful solutions are the backbone to this. 

A simple way to gauge if your website is a good fit is to ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is my website useful or interesting?
  2. Do people want to return to my site because it provides value?
  3. Is no one harmed by the content on my site?

If you answered yes to all three, keep on reading -- it sounds like you've got a great genuine site. We'll now look at our partnership requirements in detail. These are the factors we consider when looking for a suitable site:

  1. Monthly revenue
  2. Site pageviews
  3. Traffic that is consistent and genuine
  4. Quality of content

Monthly Revenue

When analyzing a site, we need some sort of indication as to whether the site is performing well. The easiest way to determine this is to look at your monthly ad revenue. At Publift, we partner with publishers who earn more than $2,000 USD a month. We use revenue as the main qualifying metric as it takes different traffic volumes and strategies in different regions of the world to get here. We don't like to discriminate based on where your traffic is coming from but this allows us to better understand the size and opportunity available on your website. 

At this size and above, a website has clearly gained a strong audience and following – it is well on its way to becoming a sustainable full-time business! We like to work with publishers who are pushing to make publishing their full-time job. We salute these brave website builders and want to help them on their journey. 

We also provide a high level of white-glove service for all of the publishers we work with, meaning many hours are poured into each of our clients. By keeping our threshold high, we are able to deliver this service to all clients whilst still running a sustainable business at Publift. 

For publishers below this threshold but growing quickly, we are always eager to talk and help you get to your goals quicker so please do reach out as we have content, advice and SEO experts which can help accelerate your growth faster allowing us to partner quicker.

Even though monthly revenue is the standard we use, it is not the only way to evaluate the value of a site as this would imply we only work with sites that are already monetized. What if you have a great site that attracts genuine visitors but you have yet to monetize your content? This is why we also look for the next requirement.

Site Pageviews

Pageviews is a secondary metric we may look at to better understand the opportunity available on a website. Revenue is our primary qualifying metric but very often we are able to spot websites with considerable revenue growth potential based on their traffic, website layout and design and the current monetization strategy they have in place. 

With this information we can make a better decision on whether we are the right fit for each other.

Anything upwards of 500,000 pageviews a month shows us you've got loyal engaged users and valuable content. This instills confidence in us that we can carry out our optimization that will keep your users happy, maximize your ad revenue, and build a long-lasting partnership!

Traffic that is Consistent and Genuine

We don't only look for websites with strong revenue and traffic, we must also see that it is consistent traffic. Many websites will have seasonality and high peaks built into their business model – sporting sites outside of season, shopping sites during Black Friday, a viral article flying around the internet. We know these are a part of life and we want to help you capitalize on them. 

We do want to make sure however that your site traffic is continuing to grow and that it remains above our minimum threshold consistently to ensure we can keep servicing you as we should. If traffic looks to be dropping with no clear reasoning or path to regaining it, we may decide it might be best not to partner until things are turned around.

We've helped digital publishers around the world and can identify strange traffic patterns that cause a reason for alarm. Knowing how lucrative the advertising industry can be, we've come across sites that use bots to fake their traffic numbers. Your traffic must be genuine users as anything fishy will easily be detected by network partners and Google themselves. We may be a Google Certified Publishing Partner, but our account management team can only do their best to get your site reapproved once it's been taken down for such reasons.

Quality of Content

Being policy compliant is imperative to keeping your website live. We have seen content on sites that have been plagiarized, are explicit or derogatory -- these are just some examples of content that are considered policy violations. Being careful with who we partner with means we're known by advertisers and partners that we are serious about brand safety, protecting our reputation and yours. So it is important that the content you’re producing is safe, friendly, and original.

Ready to Maximize Revenue?

At the end of the day, our goal is to empower publishers and ensure the sustainability your business. There is no point in taking on more clients if we are unable to provide them with ad revenue uplift, so rest assured we look for partnerships where we see a strong opportunity for us to provide an uplift and value long into the future! 

Some of our clients have managed to quit their full-time jobs to work solely on their website as they were able to financially support themselves just from ad revenue after partnering with us! They'd be unable to reach this point if we did not do the necessary checks in making sure they met our requirements. We want to partner with our clients long into the future and watch them grow with us. With these requirements in place, we can make sure we both are a good fit and we can make this happen.

If this article has resonated with you and your site, and you want to work with an award winning platform, reach out to us here so we can talk about moving forward with our partnership!

Grow with us

Grow your business with a sustainable, long term partnership. If you're making more than $2,000 in monthly ad revenue, contact us today to boost your revenue with our all-in-one solution.
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