AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Who Pays Better in 2024?

Brock Munro
September 4, 2023
July 15, 2024
AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Who Pays Better in 2024?

The global digital advertising sector is witnessing unprecedented growth. With spending projected to climb from an estimated $627 billion in 2023 to $836 billion, it’s clear that marketers are bullish about the potential of digital advertising to drive revenue.

For publishers, this translates into more opportunities to monetize their content. They have several options to help with this—from programmatic ad networks to ad ops platforms and everything in between.

We’ve compared three popular service providers—Google AdSense, MonetizeMore, and Publift—to identify their pros and cons and help you make a more informed choice about which option will best meet your needs.

Table of contents:

AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Full Overview

What Is AdSense?

What Is MonetizeMore? 

What Is Publift?

AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Comparing Ad Networks

AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Who Pays Better? 

Final Thoughts

AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Full Overview

Network Traffic Requirements Revenue share CPM earnings
AdSense No strict requirements 68:32. CPM rates are set by advertisers. Publisher earnings depend on multiple factors, such as niche, geography, and more.
MonetizeMore Page views are not a determining factor, but monthly revenue should be at least $1,000 Publishers receive 68% of total revenue, while Google keeps 32%. Promises an average of 20-30% revenue lift
Publift Minimum $2,000 in monthly revenue, or 500,000+ monthly page views Subject to the terms agreed upon with the publisher. Varies based on the region.
Network Payment Methods Payment Schedule Minimum payment threshold limit
AdSense EFT, EFT via SERA, Cheque, wire transfer Net-30 $100
MonetizeMore Paypal. Direct Deposits / ACH. E-Cheques / Local Bank Transfers. Wire Transfers. Net-30-45 $100
Publift Bank transfer in your preferred currency Net-30-90 $100
 A banner that reads: Boost your site with Publift's programmatic platform. Click to book a demo.

What Is AdSense?

What Is AdSense

AdSense, Google's flagship ad network, enables publishers to monetize their websites by displaying relevant ads to their audience. 

AdSense uses advanced algorithms that analyze user behavior and engagement to deliver contextual ads that resonate with the audience. This data-driven approach also includes fraud detection mechanisms to ensure the legitimacy of clicks and impressions. The platform's user-friendly dashboard offers easy ad setup, management, and reporting.


  • Access to a vast pool of advertisers 
  • Diverse ad formats, including display, video, and mobile ads
  • Integration with Google Ad Manager (GAM) for precise ad inventory control
  • Seamless inclusion of Google AdMob for mobile app monetization


  • High-quality ads from premium advertisers
  • Wide variety of ad formats for customization
  • Low entry barrier
  • User-friendly dashboard for efficient ad management
  • Integration with Google's extensive advertising ecosystem


  • Limited control over ads displayed, compared to some alternatives
  • No header bidding
  • New publishers might face challenges with traffic quality
  • Limited ad fraud protection 

Final Verdict

Google AdSense excels with its straightforward approval procedure, robust analytics, and convenient payment methods. Overall, though, its capabilities are rather limited, and publishers interested in moving up the content monetization ladder often opt to work with a platform that can manage multiple ad exchanges and premium ad networks.

For a more in-depth comparison of AdSense and Ad Exchange, check out our detailed guide to Google AdSense vs AdExchange.

What Is MonetizeMore? 

What Is MonetizeMore? 

MonetizeMore is an ad-tech platform that helps publishers manage complex ad ops through its range of proprietary solutions. These include ad inventory management platform PubGuru, fraudulent traffic blocker Traffic Cop, and advanced solutions for displaying publisher analytics. It also provides header bidding and smart ad refresh features to increase revenue.

As a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP), MonetizeMore has been helping publishers optimize their ad inventory since 2010. 


  • Ensures the right ads are displayed to the right audiences
  • Ad refresh strategies
  • Capable of both website and app monetization
  • Assists in ad setups, management, and reporting
  • Robust fraud detection mechanisms


  • Uses header bidding to increase competition and earnings
  • Provides fraud detection to safeguard earnings
  • Supports mobile app monetization


  • The learning curve will be steeper for those unfamiliar with ad management tools

Final Verdict

MonetizeMore offers services for monetizing mobile apps, adding versatility for publishers seeking to generate revenue from their content across various platforms.

The platform has a range of options to help boost publisher revenue, though these options may leave the less technically savvy feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

What Is Publift? 

What Is Publift? 

Publift is a programmatic ad-tech partner that helps publishers more effectively monetize their ad inventory. It leverages the latest in ad tech to provide publishers with additional ad ops services, such as yield optimization, A/B testing, and price algorithm optimization, to name a few.

Publift, which is also a Google-Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP), has been helping publishers realize an up to 55% increase in their ad revenue on average since 2015. What’s more, it helps publishers achieve this additional revenue without impacting either page performance or any of the core web vitals (CWVs).


  • Access to more than 30 premium demand partners
  • Supports a variety of monetization methods, from AdSense to Google Ad Manager (GAM) to direct deals
  • Intelligent algorithms filter out invalid traffic, reducing the risk of revenue losses
  • Smart context classification tool that automatically scans and analyzes websites to provide contextual information to advertisers
  • Comprehensive reports provide insights into website performance and revenue metrics


  • Enables header bidding and ad refresh solutions to increase revenue
  • Strong brand safety measures to prevent spammy ads
  • Supports ad block monetization to serve ads to users who have opted-in for select ads
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Support for new and innovative ad formats that go beyond the IAB standard sizes


  • Publift's premium focus may limit the participation of smaller advertisers

Final Verdict

For publishers seeking both revenue and user-centric strategies, Publift is a strong choice. It serves as an excellent platform for small and medium-sized publishers aiming to elevate their presence within their respective industries. Its premium advertisers, innovative tech, and user-first approach make it ideal for balancing revenue and user satisfaction. 

Overall, it stands out as one of the best AdSense alternatives.

AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Comparing Ad Networks

Approval Requirements

AdSense Requirements

  • Age: Participation in the AdSense Program requires website owners to be at least 18 years old.
  • Minimum revenue or page views: While AdSense doesn’t impose any minimum revenue or page view criteria, websites that don’t consistently produce high-quality content and fail to attract substantial traffic might face challenges in obtaining AdSense approval. 
  • Content quality: A publisher’s content must align with AdSense policies. While high-quality, original content is preferred, AdSense accommodates a wide range of types.
  • Website type: A user-friendly interface and a well-organized navigation menu are essential. Websites must be at least six months old.

MonetizeMore Requirements

  • Age: Similar to AdSense, MonetizeMore requires website owners to be at least 18 years old.
  • Minimum revenue or page views: MonetizeMore doesn't impose a minimum page view threshold, but it does require at least $1,000 of monthly ad revenue.
  • Content quality: MonetizeMore places a strong emphasis on content quality and originality.
  • Website type: MonetizeMore welcomes diverse types of websites characterized by high-quality design and free from prohibited content.

Publift Requirements

  • Age: Publift does not specify an age requirement for publishers.
  • Minimum revenue or page views: Publift works with publishers who have a minimum monthly revenue threshold of $2,000 or at least 500,000 monthly page views. There's room for flexibility in cases of publishers consistently delivering top-notch content despite not meeting this benchmark. 
  • Content quality: Publift maintains strict standards for content quality and websites need to produce high-quality content to secure approval.
  • Website type: Publift primarily focuses on premium websites with engaging content and a substantial user base. It's geared towards publishers who are established and looking to maximize their revenue.


AdSense emphasizes content quality and organization, MonetizeMore focuses on originality without traffic thresholds, and Publift looks at both traffic and niche relevance.

Ad Optimization

AdSense Ad Optimization

  • Google AdSense provides users with three main optimization options: Opportunities—which provides custom recommendations; Experiments—which enables A/B testing; and Auto Optimize—which lets Google run optimization experiments on the user’s behalf.
  • The platform also offers an Auto ads feature that involves users inserting a piece of code on each page. This then generates recommendations for the most optimal ad placements.

MonetizeMore Ad Optimization

  • MonetizeMore’s primary ad optimization solution is PubGuru, which leverages machine learning to automatically test ad layouts and then selects the ad with the highest bid price possible.
  • It also compares bids in real-time, thereby saving publishers the effort of having to update ad network priority levels.
  • MonetizeMore also leverages header bidding technology to enhance competition among advertisers and ultimately drive ad revenue growth

Publift Ad Optimization

  • Publift’s primary product suite, Fuse, brings cutting-edge ad optimization solutions to publishers, such as multivariate testing and yield optimization. Fuse also comes with a feature called intelligent auctions, which allows publishers to filter bidders based on ad unit, geolocation, and other partners
  • Publift’s automated A/B testing feature continuously tests ad units for layout, format, color, size, etc., serving the best-performing layouts to visitors
  • Publift allows for both header bidding and smart refresh for optimal returns. The multivariate testing feature also continuously optimizes header bidding and smart refresh, along with other variables, such as price floors, ad networks, ad placements, etc., to maximize revenue
  • In addition to its AI-drive tech, Publift’s team of in-house ad ops experts conduct a complete audit of a publisher’s website and make customized ad optimization recommendations 


AdSense offers AI-driven optimization, MonetizeMore focuses on technology and customization, and Publift uses a holistic approach with AI and human expertise.

Comparing Analytics Tools

AdSense Analytics Tools

  • AdSense displays analytics under its Reports sections, where users can view various metrics, such as estimated earnings, page views, page RPM, impressions, impression RPM, active view viewable, and clicks
  • For more detailed analytics, users can integrate AdSense with Google Analytics

MonetizeMore Analytics Tools

  • MonetizeMore’s primary analytics solution is Publisher Analytics, which provides publishers with an integrated view of all their revenue sources on a single dashboard
  • Its unified reporting capabilities allow for integration with more than 50 ad networks and compare bidder performance across each network
  • Its Page Report feature allows publishers to drill down onto page-level analytics by measuring page-specific metrics, such as page RPM and page views, and identify their top-performing pages

Publift Analytics Tools

  • Publift's analytics tools encompass a customized dashboard that provides clear insights into ad performance and revenue generation
  • Its Telemetry system collects and displays real-time information for various website parameters, such as Core Web Vitals (CWVs)
  • Easy integration with other reporting tools, such as GAM, can further enhance publishers' data analysis capabilities


AdSense integrates smoothly with Google Analytics for thorough data analysis, MonetizeMore prioritizes advanced reporting and customization to offer publishers detailed insights, while Publift provides a user-friendly interface, detailed data, and integration features for informed data-driven decisions.

AdSense vs MonetizeMore vs Publift: Who Pays Better? 


Google AdSense is the go-to platform for many publishers because of its relatively relaxed eligibility criteria. AdSense provides 68% of the revenue generated by the ads displayed on a website. Additionally, website owners receive 51% of the total revenue from AdSense for Search (AFS). 

To further increase their revenue, some publishers turn to other strategies such as Adsense arbitrage, where they drive traffic to their sites using ads, with the expectation that this increased traffic will generate revenue from their AdSense monetized website.


MonetizeMore has emerged as a significant contender, drawing the interest of online publishers seeking to enhance their revenue streams.

The platform doesn’t publicly disclose its revenue share figures, reaching deals with publishers on a case-by-case basis. It does, however, claim that several of its partners have seen between 50-400% revenue growth after working with MonetizeMore.


Publift offers an 80-20 revenue split in favor of the publisher, and its clients have seen their ad revenue increase by 55% on average after partnering with the company. Some clients, such as Paycalculator, have seen their revenue increase by up to 335% by working with Publift, making it one of the highest-paying CPM ad networks.

Final Thoughts

Choosing between AdSense, MonetizeMore, and Publift hinges on your website's unique needs. While AdSense offers a seamless entry point for publishers taking their first steps toward content monetization, MonetizeMore and Publift prioritize revenue optimization and customization for those a little more advanced in their publishing journeys.

Remember that your business's best fit might differ from others. Before deciding, assess your goals, niche, traffic, and priorities.

For publishers looking to go beyond the capabilities of AdSense and Google Ad Manager (GAM), Publift offers a range of tech-driven yet human-centric solutions. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we’ve been helping more than 350 publishers across 60 countries increase their revenue since 2015.

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Grow your business with a sustainable, long term partnership. If you're making more than $2,000 in monthly ad revenue, contact us today to boost your revenue with our all-in-one solution.
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